Kamis, 24 Juli 2008

Catfish Grow-out


- Clean up the pond bottom and wall (concrete pond)
- Pond drying for 2 - 3 days
- Spray with formalin 15 – 20 ppm.
- Filling the pond and prepare plankton:

Fingerling size Water level Turbidity
2 cm 50 – 60 cm 25 – 35 cm
3 cm 50 – 60 cm 25 – 35 cm
4 cm 60 – 70 cm 20 – 30 cm
5 cm 65 – 75 cm 15 – 25 cm
6 cm 75 – 80 cm 15 – 25 cm
7 cm 80 – 90 cm 15 – 20 cm
8 cm 85 – 90 cm 10 – 15 cm
9 cm 85 – 90 cm 10 – 15 cm
10 cm 85 – 90 cm 10 – 15 cm

- To culture plankton to reach the above turbidity:
1. Fertilize enzym Mina-88 ( 10 ppm or 10 cc/m3 )
2. Or fertilize Urea 1 gr/m3 (1 ppm)
3. Inoculate or transfer the plankton (light green – water color)
to prepared pond.
- Strerilization
Salt (natural salt) 200 – 250 ppm
- Check water quality & signs of stress and diseases
Check standard of temperature (28 – 30 oC), turbidity(see on prepare plankton),
water color (light green), pH (7 – 8), DO (>2 ppm), NH3 ( < 0.5 ppm) and NO2.

- Acclimatization before stocking to avoid shock or stress
of water condition (temperature and pH).
- Dipping with Methylene Blue 3 ppm + natural salt 50 ppm 30 – 60 seconds
(Methylene Blue and natural salt are mixed).
- Stocking time is in the morning or in the evening.

- Feeding 12 hours after stocking by feeding rate max.2 % biomass per day
and increase gradually until feeding ad libitum.
- Feed to satiation twice daily, at 8 AM and 4 PM.
- Reduce feed 20 – 30 % biomass per day if there are mortalities because of feed
or continue reducing feed until there is no problem.
On 50 % DOC or production target, calculate survival rate and do sampling fish
body weight to estimate biomass and compare by on going total feed amount (eg.
FCR = 0.8 – 1.0 total feed = 300 KG, biomass = 300 KG), to avoid over feeding
or to know maximum energy digest of catfish (depend feed quality).
Example: Stocking number = 10.000 fish, production target 1000 KG. SR estimation
= 80%, MBW = 50 grams, on going total feed = 430 KG, biomass estimation = 480 KG.
Feed to satiation = 18.0 KG per day but there are mortalities, we have to reduce
20 – 30% (become 12.6 – 14.4 KG) or apply feeding rate 1.5 – 2.0% biomass
estimation per day (production can’t meet target).
- Reduce feed 5 – 10% feed amount per day in large range of temperature
and the other water quality parameter. Return to normal feeding rate
if the weather and water quality meet standard.

- Water quality:
- control parameter of pH, temperature, O2, NH3, water color, turbidity.
- Enzym fertilizer (Mina-88) 2 – 5 ppm at 9 – 11 am in clearly weather every week
or urea 0,5 ppm.
- Water exchange: change water 5 – 10 %, if water quality is not meet standard
or there are problem (feed amount/day, abnormal fish moving, mortality,
drop plankton – clear water).
- Preventive for parasitic development and reduce ammonia and nitrite effect
- Regularly change water (pond bottom) 5-10 % every week start on DOC 30 days.
- Treatment with mix of formalin 25 ppm (for CP product – ‘obat biru’)
and salt 50 ppm at 9 – 11 AM in clearly weather.

- Throw away all of water and flow new water
- Select the commercial size by catfish grading tool
- Measure weight of fish.

Domestikasi Ikan Air Tawar

Jenis Ikan Air Tawar di Indonesia sangat banyak.
Para pakar telah mendomestikasi untuk dikembangkan
bagi kesejahteraan manuasia. Jenis-jenis ikan yang dibudidayakan petani
merupakan hasil domestikasi sejak zaman dulu.
Domestikasi dapat dipahami sebagi upaya penangkaran jenis ikan
untuk dikembangkan. Usaha ini melalui berbagai penelitian
mulai dari identifikasi, habitat, food and feeding habbits, morfologi,
anatomi, fisiologi sampai pemijahan dan bagaimana pembesarannya.
Jenis-jenis ikan yang kita budidayakan juga merupakan hasil domestikasi.

Perairan Tawar Indonesia

Indonesia sebagai negara kepulauan memiliki beribu-ribu pulau yang tersebar. Setiap pulau memiliki karakteristik dengan keaneka- ragaman flora dan fauna.